Auburn Ski Club Brochure, 1934
Brochure from: Donner Summit Historical Museum, Norn Sayler collection.
Come to the area's newest ski facility at Cisco Hill and enjoy the 5th annual Auburn Ski Club Tournament. The Auburn Ski Club was the first ski club in California, and its Cisco Hill site one of the first winter ski sport facilities in the state.
Photo: Placer County Museums
Showing the perfect form of a professional ski jumper. Looking down we can see Highway 40, formerly the Lincoln Highway below. This ski hill at bottom is now covered by Interstate 80.
Prizes for the contests were generously donated by the merchants of Auburn, Colfax, and the resort owners along the Truckee Highway. Prizes will be awarded at a banquet at the Monte Vista Inn. Wendel Robie is one of the judges, while Virgil Harden is the “Bugler.”
Lots of well-known names listed as competitors and officials in the pamphlet. Sigurd Vettestad, Roy Mikkelsen, and others.
The competition will include jumping, cross-country, and a new sport, “Down Mountain Race.”
The closest ski facility to the cities in the valley, located along the Victory Highway-U.S. Route 40, formerly the Lincoln Highway.
Photo: Placer County Museums
In the above photo we see Auburn Ski Club members watching an award ceremony at their Cisco Hill location.